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Oils of the world

AVPA Contest

Contest Edible Oils

For 22 years, AVPA has been conducting the " World Edible Oils" that has become a reference in the profession. More than 400 oils representing about twenty countries participate each year.

The competition is intended for producers of vegetable oils (growers or mills) or their groups (cooperatives, Denominations of Origin) who register with the AVPA association.

 The competition is organized in two sessions to correspond with the harvest periods :

- Northern Hemisphere samples to be received before February 25th 2025

- Southern Hemisphere samples to be received before September 5th 2025

The " World Edible Oils" contest is organized in two distinct parts:

- nature olive oils of which AVPA offers a richer classification than the usual classifications in order to allow the expression of all the traditional tastes encountered around the Mediterranean and in the World.

Intense Green Fruity/ Medium Green Fruity / Light Green Fruity

Intense Ripe Fruity /Medium Ripe Fruity / Light Ripe Fruity

Old-fashioned olive oils

Since 2003 the jury has been chaired by Christian Pinatel of the Centre Technique de l' Olivier ( Technical Center for Olive tree).

- other oils, flavoured or nature, seeds and nuts oils grouping together all virgin oils that can be made with any plant likely to be cold pressed to obtain edible oil, whether or not it is classified as oilseeds. 

The jury is chaired by Jean-Pierre Cassagne former chef of the restaurant “Closerie des lilas” and president of “International -Club les Toques Blanches”

Wiinners of Contests / competitions


Dates to remember

Registration  for all oils 

Samples must be received in Paris from now till 25 February 2025.

Award ceremony on June 19th in the French Senate in Paris
Huiles Du Monde

Rich Oil 


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Olive Oil Season



Agency for the Valoraisation of Agricultural Products

46 rue Saint Antoine
75004 Paris
​ France

Phone. : +33 (0) 1 44 54 80 32

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© 2018  Agency for the Promotion of Agricultural Products, AVPA

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