Degustazione guidata / Degustación comentada /Commented tasting of the most beautiful oils in the world
Mon, Sep 17
|AVPA. Agency for the Valorization of Agricultural Products
the più grande 0leoteca di Parigi vi apres still a volta le sue porte (Più di 200 oli eccezionali a vostra disposizione) the más grande Oleoteca de Paris the tree of nuevo sus puertas (Casi 200 exceptional tickets were available)
Time and place
Sep 17, 2018, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
AVPA. Agency for the Valorization of Agricultural Products, Espace ALTURA, 46 Rue Saint-Antoine, 75004 Paris, France
About the event
Riservato a: produttori di oli d'eccellenza, gestori di negozi di alimenti gourmet,
9:00 a.m. Participant Registration
9.30 a.m. Introduzione all'universo degli oli gourmet
10.00 a.m. La degustazione – Principi basilari, presentation of the profiling scheme for sensory analysis
10:30 a.m. Prima serie di assaggi: the category dell'olio d'oliva
11:30 am Introduzione degli altri oli vegetali per uso alimentare (di semi e noci)
Degustazione degli oli
12:30 L'olio d'oliva adatto per ciascun uso a cura dello chef Jean-Pierre Jacquin
1:30 p.m. Pranzo break: tasting of the piatti proposed by Jean-Pierre Jacquin
2:30 p.m. Loro uso has finished dietetici
3:15 p.m. Seconda serie di assaggi: deepening on the tasting
Differenze qualitative nell'ambito della stessa categoria.
4:30 p.m. The conservazione degli oli
5:00 p.m. Degustazione libera: presentation of the oli dei partecipanti e degli oli della stessa categoria
6:00 p.m. Finishes dei lavori
Costo member AVPA: 175 € altri: 195 €
Paz Figares, esperta oleologa, diplomata all'ASCAL (Associazione per il Controllo della Qualità e la Promozione degli oli della regione Priego de Cordoba) e all'IFAPA de Cabra (Cordoba). E' inoltre distributrice di olio extra vergine di oliva in France and titolare del site, site that promotes the cultura dell'olio d'oliva and the on-line vendita di una selezione degli stessi.
Jean-Pierre Jacquin, a “riservato” chef invited to have a more famous personality for a creative kitchen that always tends to enhance the massimo and the product. Dopo essersi formato alla scuola di grandi chef quali Ghislaine Arabian, Jean-Pierre Biffi, Patrick Lenotre o Gérard Raimbaud, che gli ha dato grande notorietà professionale, si è specializzato in a kitchen in grado di rispondere ai requisiti più strabilianti.
Jean-Emmanuel Jourde, Secretary General of the AVPA
Responsible for the Concorso Oleario Internazionale “World Edible Oils”
Deseado participants:
Producers of aceites gastronómicos, Managers of Tiendas Finas,
9:00 a.m. Reception of the participants
9:30 a.m. Introduction to the universe of gastronomic aceites.
10:00 a.m. Tasting – Basic principles, presentation of the AVPA tasting sheet.
10:30 a.m. Primera tasting series: the categories of aceites de oliva
11:30 am Introducción a los otros aceites vegetales (granos y nueces).
Tasting of aceites galardonados
12:30 p.m. El mejor aceite de oliva para cada uso por el chef de cocina Jean-Pierre Jacquin
1:30 p.m. Coffee break: tasting of preparations by Jean-Pierre Jacquin
2:30 p.m. Del buen uso dietético de los aceites
3:15 p.m. Segunda serie de degustación: degustación a profundidad – diferenciaciones qualitativas en la misma categoría.
4:30 p.m. Conservación de los aceites
5:00 p.m. Free tasting: presentation of the aceites of the participants and of the aceites of the misma categoría.
6:00 p.m. End of the day
Cost for personal costs AVPA: 175 € for personal costs: 195 €
Paz Figares, is an expert in aceite de oliva, diplomada de la ASCAL (Asociación para el control de la Calidad y Promoción de los aceites de la comarca de Priego de Córdoba) and del IFAPA de Cabra (Córdoba). It is also distribuidora de aceites virgen extra en Francia y propietaria del site, site para la promotion de la cultura del aceite de oliva y la vente en línea de aceites cuidadosamente seleccionados.
Jean-Pierre Jacquin, is a discrete chef invited for his personalities, his thoughts and tastes, to prove his inventive cuisine and vinculada con los products. Después of an education of some great chefs (Ghislaine Arabian, Jean-Pierre Biffi, Patrick Lenotre or Gérard Raimbaud) that he has an undisputed professional recognition, specializing in a sober cuisine capable of responding to the most surprising requirements.
Jean-Emmanuel Jourde, Secretary General of AVPA
Responsible for the International Competition “Los aceites del mundo”
Concerned public :
- Producers
- Distributors (Delicatessens)
9:00 a.m. Welcome of participants
9:30 am Introduction to the world of gourmet oils.
10:00 a.m. Tasting – Basic principles, presentation of the AVPA tasting sheet
10:30 a.m. First series of tastings: olive oil categories
11:30 am Introduction to the world of other vegetable oils (seeds and nuts).
Tasting of the winning oils.
12:30 The right oil for every use by chef Jean-Pierre Jacquin
who will put his point into practice by making his recipes for the lunch break.
1:30 p.m. Lunch break: Tasting of Jean-Pierre Jacquin's culinary preparations
2:30 p.m. Good dietary use of oils
3:15 p.m. Second series of olive oil tastings: in-depth tasting-
Differentiations within the same category.
4:30 p.m. The conservation of oils
5:00 p.m. Free tasting: presentation of oils brought by participants
in comparison with oils of the same category
6:00 p.m. End of the day
The training will take place in French with explanations provided in English, Spanish and Italian.
Stakeholders :
Paz Figares, is an expert in olive oil, graduated from ASCAL (Asociacion para el control de la Calidad y Promocion de los aceites de la comarca de Priego de Cordoba) and by IFAPA de Cabra (Cordoba). It is also a distributor of extra virgin olive oils in France and owner of the site, a site for the promotion of the culture of olive oil and the online sale of carefully selected oils.
Jean-Pierre Jacquin, is a discreet chef invited by the most famous personalities who like to enjoy his inventive cuisine always attached to showcasing the products. After an apprenticeship with great chefs (Ghislaine Arabian, Jean-Pierre Biffi, Patrick Lenotre or Gérard Raimbaud) which gave him undisputed professional recognition, he specialized in tailor-made cuisine capable of meeting the most astonishing requirements.
Jean-Emmanuel Jourde, Secretary General of AVPA
Responsible for the International Competition “Oils of the World”
The tickets
For AVPA members
€175.00Sale endedFor non-members
€195.00Sale ended