Thu, May 14
|AVPA Youtube
Awards ceremony - Awards Ceremony: 18th International Competition "Les Huiles du Monde" AVPA-Paris 2020
18th International Competition “Les Huiles du Monde” AVPA-Paris 2020 First section: olive oils 18th “World Edible Oils” International Contest AVPA-Paris 2020 Part I: Olive oils
Time and place
May 14, 2020, 11:00 AM
AVPA Youtube
About the event
Last year many of you came to Paris…. This year we have to organize the awards ceremony online and your virtual presence is important to all of us!
Note the date ofThursday, May 14 at 11 your calendar!
Youtube AVPA
Goodbye !
Last year many of you came to Paris.... This year we have to organize an online Awards ceremony and we will be delighted with your virtual presence
Please save the date: Thursday May 14th at 11 am in your calendar!
AVPA's Youtube
See you!
El año pasado una buena parte de ustedes vino a París. Este año tenemos que organizar la entrega de premios en línea y su presencia virtual es important para todos nosotros!
Reserve la fecha delJueves 14 de mayo a las 11:00 amin known calendario!
Youtube AVPA
Hasta pronto!
L'anno scorso molti di voi vennero a Parigi… Quest'anno dobbiamo organizeizzare la cerimonia di premiazione online e saremo lieti di contare sula vostra presenza virtuale
Prendete nota dell'appuntamento: Giovedì 14 Maggio alle ore 11:00!
AVPA Youtube
See you soon!