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Producer Support Fund

The services offered by AVPA include the “producer support fund”. AVPA utilizes its possible financial surpluses in a “Support Fund ” dedicated to exceptional producers who, without this encouragement, would not have the means to benefit from the services of the association. This producer support fund was particularly used this year to support the most vulnerable, but no less exceptional, agricultural producers.

Thanks to this Funds, a significant number of participants in the 3rd “Teas of the World” International Contest and the 6th “Coffees roasted at origin” International Contest were able to send their samples. The AVPA support fund has thus proved to be of particular use in the midst of the health crisis and its corollary of the economic crisis in order to alleviate its effects on the activities of producers.

Eligibility for the AVPA Support Fund is at the discretion of AVPA. Any exceptional agricultural producer who considers him/her self to be in need can formally request support from the “Support Fund” by submitting an application which indicates:

  • The type of agricultural organization;

  • The social impact of the organization and its agricultural activity;

  • The volume of operation;

  • Number of actors involved;

  • Performance recorded over the last three years;

  • Profits (fluctuation) from operations over the last three years;

  • The commitment to provide feedback in the form of a testimonial that could be published on the AVPA blog.

For more information please visit:

Testimony of Ms. Roni Ni Made participant of 3rd "Teas of the World" International contest

Invited for the first time to the 3rd “Teas of the World” International Contest, Ms. Roni Ni Made shared her testimony with us.

“I am an Indonesian tea producer and director of 'Made Tea'. The goal of "Made Tea" is to revive the plants and herbs used in ordinary drink in Indonesia. I am delighted to have our products participate in the AVPA “Teas of World” contest. Our participation is an important moment in the life of our structure and a real source of pride for the producers of our community who provide the various ingredients of our products.

Our community-based agricultural farm is located in the Ubud Bali region. For the past ten years, it has brought together around ten women who source the various ingredients of our high-quality tea blends.We have always wanted to participate in the AVPA competition but for lack of capital, we have often abstained. Our desire to be present at the AVPA competition is above all motivated by the values ​​that are promoted there and which put the concern of the producer himself at the heart of the action of the AVPA. This year, we have taken the step by responding to the information note of the launch of the competition, then by exposing to the head of AVPA the financial difficulties we are facing. After studying our situation, we were admitted to participate in the competition thanks to the AVPA Support Fund, which covered almost all of the costs of our participation.

Without even knowing what our performance will be at the end of this Competition, we are convinced that this first participation of "Made Tea" will inevitably strengthen our legitimacy with our business partners. It has the merit of materializing our desire to achieve excellence. It will confirm us in our efforts for the financial empowerment of women, in the consolidation of the collaboration between the different producers who supply our ingredients, in the local economic development, and the preservation of the technique of working of the local plants and herbs.

Joining AVPA is an excellent marketing tool for our agricultural farm and for improving the perception of our products. It will not only boost the worldwide recognition of the unique taste of our products, but also the local economy that it induces and above all the confidence of our customers. I would like to thank the AVPA for having welcomed us to its 3rd “Teas of the World” International Contest.

Thank you!

- Roni Ni Made"

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Agency for the Valoraisation of Agricultural Products

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