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Dare to be Gourmet

Updated: Nov 26, 2019

For the second year AVPA was present at the Gourmet Sélection fair. Nonprofit Association AVPA does not come to sell the products. AVPA offers its members a communication platform and for the visitors an information space where gourmet products can be tasted. For 17 years, AVPA has undertaken extensive work to help exceptional producers. Through its Contests: "World edible oils", "Locally roasted coffees" and "Teas of the World", AVPA puts forward every year exceptional products whose recognition in Paris allows a real international recognition . On the AVPA stand: - the winning teas of the 2nd International Tea Contest - producers of olive oils awarded at the 17th Contest - a tasting of gourmet waters medal at the 2019 Give our product a chance to be Gourmet! Join us!

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Agency for the Valoraisation of Agricultural Products

Altura space
46 rue Saint Antoine
75004 Paris
​ France

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