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2023 Southern Oils and « World Edible Oils » 2024 contest

At the 21st "World Edible Oils" International Contest AVPA-Paris 2023, nearly 300 vegetable oils (olive, seeds, fruits and nuts, flavored oils) competed. As every year, the special session for the Southern Hemisphere revealed excellent oils, especially olive oils from Australia and Brazil.

In fact, olive cultivation has long since spread beyond the Mediterranean and countries with suitable climates are successfully embarking on the production of olive oil.

In South Africa, in South America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay) and in Oceania (Australia and New Zealand).

Other oils like rapeseed, sunflower or walnut are also developing in these countries.

After the great success of this competition, we are pleased to announce the 22nd "World Edible Oils" International Contest AVPA-Paris 2024 with its two tasting sessions: March for northern oils and September for southern oils.

We hope to see participating again in this competition oils from China and Taiwan as well as oils from the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

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